
Solv Pro Tips for Influence and Impact

4 Questions You Will Be Asked In Every Crisis Interview

4 Questions You Will Be Asked In Every Crisis Interview

When your organization is in crisis mode, answering questions from the media is likely the last thing you want to do.  To avoid saying the wrong thing, watch this Solv Pro Tip from Nicole Harris.  Nicole is a former network television news reporter and anchor. In this...

3 Great Tips To Ace Your Next Media Interview

3 Great Tips To Ace Your Next Media Interview

The media has contacted you, and they want to interview you for a story related to your industry. Earned media, it’s what every business owner hopes for. But now your mind starts racing, what if the reporter asks me a question I don’t know? How would I answer a...

4 Benefits Of Having A Crisis Ready Culture

4 Benefits Of Having A Crisis Ready Culture

No organization is immune to a crisis. The news headlines are saturated with countless PR disasters. From HR fiascos at Twitter, to cybersecurity attacks at local businesses of all sizes, the list of crises is endless.  While no one can predict when a crisis will...

How To Create A Zesty Soundbite

How To Create A Zesty Soundbite

Whether you are making a business presentation or communicating with the media, your most important objective should be to make your point clear and memorable. The best way to achieve this, is by crafting a solid soundbite that summarizes your key message. Journalists...

Client Kudos

In This Video

Alyson Pile - Senior Manager Communications - MITT
David Salvatore - CEO Manitoba Real Estate Association (MREA)
Denys Volkov - Executive Director - Association of Manitoba Municipalities
Karli Reimer - National Communications & Marketing Specialist - Ducks Unlimited Canada
Ellen Pruden - Director of Communications - Cereals Canada